
Relax in the current context of COVID! it's possible !

Given this exceptional situation and to enable you to plan your next stay calmly, we implement special health measures to take even a little more care of you and help you enjoy your stay with us in any safety for your health.

The configuration of the property allows us to reserve garden furniture and sunbeds for each room . You can therefore relax alone, as a couple or as a family with complete peace of mind.


Common areas and services

  • The shared toilets are closed for guests . You must use the toilet and shower in your room
  • Unfortunately, we cannot provide you with board games, books or magazines.
  • Access to the Relaxation room is limited and accessibleonly one room at a time.
  • In the area "discovery of the region" thank you not to serve you but to ask us for the documentation.

Pool area

  • The swimming pool is open . We count on your responsibility and civility to use it in a reasonable way and not all at the same time.
  • Sunbeds (deckchairs) are identified by room, please use only those that bear the name of your room.
  • Before lying down, please put your pool towel on it .

Health measures

  • Hydro-alcoholic gel is available at various places in the house.
  • The rooms are disinfected after each departure of our guests.
  • The common areas are disinfected daily.
  • We do not impose the wearing of a mask, but we recommend it outside the family circle.

Respecting these rules means giving yourself a chance to stop this scourge that affects us all.

We are ready to welcome you in all serenity in a secure and peaceful place!